Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Questionnaire to help broaden our knowledge of MRS

Dear Fellow Melkersson Rosenthal Syndrome Sufferers, 

Please send an email to and I will send you a copy of the questionnaire to complete alternatively you can find a copy on the Facebook support group for Melkersson Rosenthal Syndrome; 

Please take the time to read this little post, with the odd inspirational quote thrown in for good measure, I believe that we CAN make a difference. That when we speak alone our voices are quiet, if we all say different things at the same time we confuse... but when we all say the same thing, together and at once we are UNDERSTOOD and we are HEARD!

I have attached a questionnaire that I have created in order to gain as much knowledge about MRS and how it affects ALL of us. You may remember me saying that I wanted to get the information available about MRS updated so that we can receive much more adequate care and treatment.

Well... this is the first step in achieving that objective, the results will be available as soon as possible and hopefully this will go a long way in answering a lot of questions, for example; What symptoms experienced by how many people with MRS etc that are NOT currently associated with it.

I am sure that, like me, there is a lot you don't know about MRS for certain, and that the medical professionals 'helping' you would be helped greatly by having more thorough and up-to-date information available to them.

Please help me achieve this by filling out the attached questionnaire, details of the deadline and where and how to return it are included in the document.

If you are unsure then please still take the time to have a look and then decide whether you want to send it. This could really make a difference for ALL of us and for any future sufferers as well.

Thankyou :-)

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